Monday, August 27, 2012

Coin in the pocket

One of the things about geocaching that I find most interesting is the trust factor.  Cachers from all over the world leave and swap sometimes valuable gifts in caches.  The concept of fair swaps is almost universally accepted.
Geicoins and travel bugs have a purpose and often destination and complete strangers move them on with relish.  As we started this whole adventure the idea of finding gifts in a cache and swapping things was exciting.  Coins and bugs from all over the world are right beneath our feet and the unique code means we can track the path of them on their journeys. 
So far we have moved on half a dozen coins and bugs, logging them as we go.  At first not realising quite what to do we had to go back and log them so as to keep the game pieces in play.  Now we look not for the coins or bugs but for their goals, if we can help them we move them on, if not leave them be. 
Although some are very pretty we move them on, they are no good out of the game after all. 
This weekend we have a coin to move on its way to Loch Ness, we will plant it and hope others too play this global game fairly!