Friday, January 20, 2012

We admit this is addictive…

After our first week we had to admit we were hooked, we both knew it.

We both had apps on our phones and were scouring the area for caches to hunt, it became our main topic of conversation! Our weekends became a merry go round of dog walking while caching, shopping while caching even visiting family because they lived close to a cache! 

We were also learning about the different types of cache to expect, false rocks, posts with holes in, hollow bolts and magnetic stickers were all to be found within a couple of miles.  But next on our list was a mystery cache! We sat on a Saturday evening not glued to the TV with a Takeaway but working out coordinates for an abbey we didn't know existed. 

Sunday came and according to our workings this would be a drive through the countryside to an area we had passed many times, there couldn't be an abbey there really could there? How do you miss an abbey in the countryside?  We did though, for 2 hours we searched for this goodly abbey, until dusk was apon us. 

Oh my word, it does exist and we're here!  We may have found the abbey but the prize was alluding us, torch light wasn't our friend this time.  A car stopped to ask what we were doing rummaging, quick think of something, a lost key was all I could come up with.  After a huff and another steely gaze the car moved on.

We had been defeated by our quarry and we were failures! The dark and the dying phone batteries were our final obstacles.  These we couldn't over come, we were tasting defeat and the drive home was full of remorse and regret.  The cache would have to wait for another day, we would return with better armour next time.


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